See what happens when the riff-raff leave?
Life is easier when you don't have many choices. Hungry? It's either cavatini from Pizza Hut or a double cheeseburger from Walt's. Thirsty? Either steal a six pack of Jolt Cola from F&FM or bribe Bupp to buy you beer at the liquor store. But now it appears the fine juvenile delinquents back home have more options to choose from. According to the most recent census numbers, Goddard is the fastest-growing city in the state of Kansas.
Guess word finally spread that those BDS troublemakers were no longer around to drop your property value.
The Wichita Eagle's article even mentions that over 200 kids visit the city pool near the old high school every day. That doesn't sound like population growth to us. It sounds like this generation has its own version of Missy Robinson sitting in a lifeguard chair looking way too built and too tan for junior high eyes.
Guess word finally spread that those BDS troublemakers were no longer around to drop your property value.
The Wichita Eagle's article even mentions that over 200 kids visit the city pool near the old high school every day. That doesn't sound like population growth to us. It sounds like this generation has its own version of Missy Robinson sitting in a lifeguard chair looking way too built and too tan for junior high eyes.
...but only after they read the sign that says "no bare feet" and pick up that blood...
Oh my lord. Their might be hotter babes back in those days, but a hot day at the Goddard City Pool would always bring out that f'n girl to the pool.
Absolute goddess. You know what I am talking about Fosty? You and your goggles and snorkle underneath the water when she would jump in.
Oh my lord!
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