Sunday, December 12, 2004

Doug Sieh laments Pantera's loss

Doug Sieh sits lonely in a booth inside the Goddard F&FM gas station. Long past wondering why this particular gas station actually has booths to sit in and, more importantly, why he's sitting in one, he squints off into the distance with his one good eye. His head low, a cigarette dangles from the corner of his mouth. Grey-dense smoke from a cheap pack of Kool Lights cloud his vision but not his opinion.

"Fuckin' Dimebag, man. He was somethin' else."

The "fuckin' dimebag" he's referring to is Darrell "Dimebag" Abbott, the one-time lead guitarist of Pantera and DamagePlan, who was gunned down onstage during a recent performance in Ohio by a deranged fan last week.

"Oh yeah, we were tight. Since, I don't know, 1988 maybe? I was putting a band together. I needed a drummer, rhythm guitarist and bass player. I was gonna play lead strings and sing. I put an ad in the Sedgwick County Sentinal looking for 'like-minded, future thrash-punk metal gods stuck in USD 265'. Dimebag sent me his audition tape and I thought 'wow, this guy actually owns his own amp.' I figured he could back me up. The rest is history."

What history?

"That's my point. There was no history. Fuckin' Chris Perez destroyed everything before it even got off the ground. I bumped into him here in F&FM one day after school. I asked him to play bass in my new band. He didn't even look up from the porn magazine he was flipping through. He just chuckled and said 'I don't think so, Doug.' He stressed the word 'Doug' to sound, I don't know, funny. The bastard."

So what was the problem?

"Who's heard of a band without a bass player? You have to have a bass player. He's the guy standing off to the side onstage hitting every fourth note and leaning back as the bass rests against his stomach. Come on. We needed him and he just blew me off quicker than Deadtooth did to several guys at The Silver Bullet."

So get another one.

"Easy for you to say, asshole. Where was I gonna find a bass player around here? No, it was the Mexican or no one. And he said no. And because he said no, I had to let go of Dimebag. And because I had to let go of Dimebag, Perez basically drop-kicked my dreams squarely in the nuts."

So call Musson. He plays bass.

"Really? What's his number?"


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