Friday, January 14, 2005

Big Brother's been watching for years.

In its secret EROS Data Center facitily outside Souix Falls, South Dakota, the US Geological Survey houses more than six million aerial photographs of the United States. Some of those photos date back to the 1940s, while others were snapped just last week. The pictures are used to make a visual map of the country; they are, in essence, a literal blueprint of your backyard.

The BDS, learning of this clandestine operation, recently hacked into the government's super-W.O.P.R. mainframe computer to look around. Our jaws dropped at what we found. Through satellite and aerial magic, we saw the very spot where Loch crushed Wellington football players and where Todd was placed in handcuffs after the legendary Farm Party. And we saw them from 40,000' above.

We finally saw what Big Brother has been looking at for years.

It's called a Digital Orthophoto Quadrange (DOQ). It's a fancy name for a computer-generated image rendered from an actual satellite or aerial photograph. Image displacement caused by terrain relief and camera tilt has been removed, which gives the image characteristics of the original photograph the georeferenced qualities of an actual map. In other words, it's one hell of a bird's eye view of our old stomping ground.

Most of the images were taken between 1985-1991, which just so happens to be the window of time the BDS was running loose in the neighborhood. Coincidence? You decide.

So prepare yourself. The past may come back faster than you think.

Goddard, KS

1. Commandeering a go-cart, an intoxicated Kendell drives 3.2 miles to this Pizza Hut during a party because he was "hungry for breaksticks".
2. Casa del Chris. Site of infamous "Pledge Party" in the kitchen.
3. Field of Dreams. Site of then-soccer field and future State Champion practice facility.
4. Craig's Red Max rocket landed somewhere around here during 3rd grade Rocket Day.
5. Site of many battles for Casey, Brian, Jeff and the rest of the Goddard Blue and White.
6. Parking lot where Jeff drank a Mickey's every morning before class.
7. Made out with Tiffany here sophomore year. Neither of us knew what the hell we were doing.

West of Wichita

1. Casa del Todd. Departure point for many raiding parties into the city. Raced lawnmowers in front yard.
2. Caught perch, wrestled catfish and drank stolen beer with Tom S.
3. There's a Zebco 33 fishing rod and reel at the bottom of this lake. Don't ask.
4. Home of Tom S.; has an 11,000 sq. ft. basement complete with putting green. Seriously.

Walt 'n Anna

1. Boat ramp used when the BDS Navy set sail.
2. Shot beer bottles and cans with a trusty Crossman BB gun from second-story porch at Casa del Craig.
3. Stolen range balls from Pawnee Prairie golf course hit from location #2 landed here (if we were lucky).

The Farm

1. Site of "Exactly" sign pointing lost souls to the party.
2. Todd sees the world from the backseat of a sheriff's patrol car. Too drunk to cry, but not to pee his pants.
3. Perez hides from the cops in the treeline north of the farmhouse when he spots trouble.
4. Junkyard/.357 target range.
5. Great duck hunting pond.
6. Better dove hunting pond. Ask Carley.
7. Cisco the yellow lab makes his first real retrieve on a pheasant and crosses this creek in the process.
8. "Hen! No, wait! Rooster!" Sorry Brian.

Ah, Afton

1. Jeff's snoring drive Brian and Todd into the confines of the BDS-10 camper top.
2. Jeff has no toilet paper, so he _____________________________.
3. Matt pokes fun at the juvenile delinquents through the fence of Judge Riddle's Boy's Ranch.

Twin Bridges

1. Site of numerous parties along the river. Appears to also be a prime terrorist target, because the government has blurred out most bridge crossings in aerial photos of the region. Could also be that they simply didn't want the BDS to see where Casey made out with a certain soccer team trainer...


Blogger ssas said...

What the fuck have I gotten myself into??

No really, you guys sound way fun. I use satelite imagery in my books so this could actually be helpful to know.

7:18 PM  

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