Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Pulled from the pages. Literally.

Several days ago, the BDS posted a story regarding events that occurred 20 years ago this upcoming Friday. The events, the tragic results, the aftermath, even our unsolicited yet heartfelt opinions surrounding That Day found its way onto your screen. Whether you wanted to read them or not.

A number of you not only read the post, but commented on it (and to us) as well. Some of you offered a glimmer of sympathy for those affected and shared your own similar stories. Others warned us to avoid naming names and exposing raw emotional nerves which could feasibly lead to dire (and unexpected) consequences and urged us to pull the post.

None of that matters at this point. The Blogger gods apparently pulled the post for us.

For the past 36/48 hours, access to the "1.21.85" post has been denied to our loving public. While you could read the first several paragraphs, the link directing you to the entire story didn't function properly. We did our best to troubleshoot the situation (from republishing multiple times to literally rekeying the damn thing in again), but to no avail. All other posts, drafts, editorial changes or graphic additions performed as expected. But when the attempt to upload that post, that story, was made, it failed every time in grand fashion.

Makes you wonder why.

Could be that certain phrases or key words referenced in the story sent up red flags over at Blogger World Headquarters. Those phrases and words be in violation of some license agreement we signed but didn't read. Could be that this blog, as we speak, is being watching for violations of the Patriot Act. Who knows. Who cares. Unlike the signifigance of 1.21.85, the post is gone.

So this Friday, say a prayer for the man who sacrificed seeing his children grow up so you could. It's the least you could do.


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