Thursday, February 03, 2005

Walk around an alternative reality.

It's been out there for a while, skirting the edges of acceptance by the fringe and brushed off as lunacy by the mainstream. At best, it's a case-study in paranoia. At worst, it suggests your government was less than forthright in its knowledge of, and potential participation in, the events of September 11, 2001.

We first saw this exercise in flash animation worthy of an X-Files episode several years ago. Since then, the following link has found its way into our in-box no less than five or six times. An eerie soundtrack, coupled with quick-moving images that last long enough to raise doubt but not long enough to warrant serious examination, is worth at least a few minutes of your life.

So go ahead. Walk around an alternative reality here and decide for yourself. It can't hurt.

Or can it?


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