Friday, March 11, 2005

The Silence Has Been Deafening

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know. The heart and soul of any good blog is the frequency with which it's updated. Thank God this has never been considered a good blog or we'd be in real trouble.

Before we begin "defending the indefensible", let's get one thing straight: we don't live to blog or blog to live (okay, that's two things but you get the point). We don't walk through the day scanning the horizon for the next post. We don't waste your time with "today I..." junior-high diary shit or "I hate myself..." high-school angst crap. We don't rush home from work giggling at the prospect of dancing the html-two step with virtual friends and we sure as hell don't write for the sake of writing.

We do this to keep distant friends, both old and new, close. And that's it.

The past few weeks at Blog Central have been rough. We'll spare you the sob story, but a sick infant has a tendency to kick your ass in ways a Mickey's Big Mouth-inspired hangover never dreamed of. It's called "RSV"; a respiratory virus that has the little one coughing like she's smoked four packs of Marlboro Reds for the past 40 years. Nine weeks of dealing with this baby plague has been nothing short of a straight kick to the balls. Again and again and again.

Couple that nightly episode of ER with a tense day job that requires us to bend images and words together of the sake of the almighty dollar and you see how this little virtual piece of real estate quickly takes a back seat. However, we're hoping the storm has been weathered and calmer skies are on the horizon. If that's the case, we'll get back to our regularly scheduled updates as soon as possible.

If it isn't, you'll know by the deafening silence.


Blogger ssas said...

Oh no - poor baby! I hope (s)he is better! I've been there, not with rsv, but with the sick kiddo thing. Even a day of it is hell on earth with the worry and work.

I love to write on my blog, but mine takes a backseat to RL with no apologies; so none expected from you.

11:07 PM  

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